Welcome! In this tutorial, you will learn how to give non-numeric scales (e.g., Excellent, Good, or Fair) on assignment as an alternative of a numerical scores. When you grade your students’ performance, you may want to give non-numeric scales (e.g., Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent) instead of conventional numeric scores. In Moodle, you can … Continue reading Using non-numeric scales (e.g., in forum)
Author: hjyang
Adding a Hyperlink in text or image
Welcome! In this tutorial, you will learn how to embed a Hyperlink in text or image. This is useful to take your students directly to a webpage without presenting the entire web address in your course page. You can embed/add a Hyperlink as long as HTML editor is available. This tutorial particularly describes how to … Continue reading Adding a Hyperlink in text or image
Changing theme in the course.
Welcome! In this tutorial, you will learn how to change theme of your course page. 1. In Administration block, click on “Edit settings.” 2. In Appearance, click on the drop down menu in Force theme. Select a theme you prefer. *Default themes are set to “Do not force.” 3. Click on “Save Changes” at the … Continue reading Changing theme in the course.
Editing a title of a label.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to change a title of a label. You can learn how to add a label to your course page. There are two ways to edit a title of a label. Option 1. Edit a title within a label. 1. Find a label you wish to edit its title. … Continue reading Editing a title of a label.
A quick search for current week
Welcome! In this tutorial, you will learn how to set up and to guide your students to search for current week. 1. In Add a block, choose “Section Links.” 2. A new block of Section Link displays in your course page. Each number in the block indicates a week number. Guide your students to use … Continue reading A quick search for current week