Add a Featured Image

Featured images appear in different places depending on your theme. In the Twenty Nineteen theme for example, the featured image appears at the top of the page with a blue overlay. You can add a different featured image to each page and/or post of your ePortfolio.

Step 1:

Open the page (or post) you want to add the featured image to.

Step 2:

Locate the document properties panel in the right-hand sidebar. Click on Featured Image.

Step 3:

Click on “Set Featured Image.”

Step 4:

You will be prompted to select an image. You can either upload the image, or select it from your Media Library.

Step 5:

Select the image and then update your page.

That’s it! Your featured image should now appear on your page.

To Learn More:

The following video provides more information on Featured Images. (If video does not appear, scroll down for link.)

Add a featured image from WordPress 5 Essential Training by

For Support

If you encounter difficulty during any part of these tasks, please e-mail us at for assistance, or stop by 306 Ross during our scheduled support hours.

If you cannot see the images in this documentation, click here.

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