Learning Management System


Canvas is an online learning management system (LMS) designed to help instructors manage course materials, collect student assignments, facilitate discussions, and record grades. As of the 2019–2020 academic school year, it is the official LMS of Iowa State University.

Screenshot of the Canvas homepage

With tools such as interactive discussion boards and group-collaboration spaces, Canvas works well in small classes focused less on information dissemination and more on community building and collaboration. ISUComm will provide you with a course template on Canvas that you can then customize for your section(s). This course template contains files and other resources that will help you in your teaching. When you teach English 150, you will only need to make slight adjustments to the template so that it aligns with your schedule (either MWF or TTh) and lab days. Because you will have the opportunity to select your own course texts (from a list of options) when you teach English 250, you will need to make more substantive changes to your template so that your course aligns with the texts and activities you’ve chosen.