Sample English 150 Assignments Centered on a Place-Based Theme

Assignment Written Oral Visual Electronic
1. In-Class Literacy Autobiography Essay format with appropriate organization
An engaging narrative with a clear point
Descriptive personal examples help the audience visualize “home”
May share portions aloud with others For later portfolio: possible addition of a visual to represent one or more literacy events Word processing (if in lab); content may focus on communication
2. Sharing Experiences: Letter-as-Essay or Memoir Letter format with appropriate organization
A descriptive piece that helps the audience visualize campus
Supporting examples describe meaningful experiences with a topic, event, or situation
Post-project reflection
Peer-response session Submission should meet the visual expectations of a letter (return address, salutation, signature)
If visual is included, it is appropriate and properly integrated into text
Word processing; possible digital scanning, photography, importing
3. Exploring a Campus Organization or Program: Public Document and Profile Essay format with appropriate organization
A written exploration that informs the audience of a campus organization or program
Primary research and appropriately
formatted use of source quotes
An analysis of public documents and direct observation
Preparatory small-group presentations of material; conference with instructor; peer response session Proper use of in-text and Works Cited page MLA citation for primary sources
If visual is included, it is appropriate and properly integrated into text
Word processing; possible digital scanning, photography, importing; email to others who can provide more information about the campus organization or program; online research using ISU website and campus resources
4. Analyzing Place or Artifact: Campus Landscape, Building, or Art Essay format with appropriate organization
Description and analysis provide an insight about the campus, location, and history
Research and proper integration of source material support clear points
Post-project reflection
Peer response session and informal sharing of place-based analyses Proper use of in-text and Works Cited page MLA citation for primary sources Visual(s) included both in paper and in oral presentation that show clearly the campus landscape or feature; captions/labels used Word processing; possible digital scanning, photography, importing; email to others who can provide more information about the campus place or organization; online research using ISU websites about history, art, and buildings
5. Visual
Communication: Designing, Presenting, and Reflecting
Visual format with appropriate organization
Research and proper integration of source material by means of summarizing,
paraphrasing, quotation
Feedback aids others on their oral
Post-project reflection
Peer response session; oral presentation to class of visual communication (poster, brochure) and accompanying design decisions Proper use of in-text and Works Cited page MLA citation for primary sources Carefully chosen visuals with captions; headings and subheadings; bulleted lists; typography and color decisions; spacing Word processing; possible digital scanning, photography, importing; possible use of charts or tables
ISUComm ePortfolio (ongoing throughout the semester) Synthesis of post-project reflections; choice of work to include, representing WOVE modes; revision of one assignment; introductory letter and conclusion; table of contents reflecting focus, organization, and coherence; specific references to semester’s work; substantive revision Conference with instructor; peer response session; reflection on oral wok and skills developed during the semester Revision or addition of visuals in earlier work; reflection on visual work and skills during the semester; use of visual in packaging of the portfolio; well-chosen portfolio visuals If portfolio is electronic, good command of technology to create attractive and functional showcase of and reflection on semester’s work; reflection on electronic work and skills during the semester