Digital Repository for Academic Writing (DRAW)

Developed here at Iowa State, DRAW is a digital repository designed to capture the culture of activity sharing within the Iowa State English Department with the main purpose of archiving effective classroom activities to be shared throughout the program for teachers at all levels. Our localized repository allows for easy assignment sharing and the contextualizing of activities within units, courses, modes, and learning outcomes.

Finding activities in DRAW is easy. Depending on your interests, you can find activities based on categories such as course type, specific assignment, WOVE mode, and many other custom descriptors provided by activity authors. The activity results page allows you to quickly navigate multiple activities by hovering over each thumbnail to determine if the summary of the activity matches your needs. Additionally, each activity has a voting feature enabled, which shows at a glance the most popular or successful activities.

The structure of the activities asks authors to suggest a context for using the activities, within a unit or assignment and describe the activity step by step.

To submit an activity, simply log in with your Net ID by clicking on “Login” at the top of page, and then click on “Share an Activity!” on the homepage. This is where you can submit activities for review by DRAW’s editorial review board. The posts will usually go live within two to three days of submission.

As you begin to create or find valuable activities in your classes please submit them to our DRAW community. The more teachers share, the better teachers teach!

Visit the DRAW website to peruse or submit teaching materials.