Cancellation of Class

Instructors are expected to meet their classes regularly and for the full time period. This provides a good example for students’ regular attendance and prevents complaints in course evaluations about instructors who cancel class frequently. The university does not provide money to hire substitutes, so this means that you must find your own substitute. If you cannot meet a class (normally for a medical or family emergency), please try to find a substitute. If you miss a class, it must be reported to, even if you have notified students via email. If you plan to have a substitute, please provide the name of the substitute. If the class must be canceled, English staff will see that a notice is placed on the classroom door. If you know in advance you will be unable to teach a class (e.g., conference, retreat, funeral), email a request to our English department’s designated substitute, Sarah Davis ( If you plan to be gone for an extended amount of time (e.g., medical leave, birth/adoption of a child, grief, etc.), please contact the Associate Chair for Operations, currently Matthew Sivils.

Winter Weather Policies. The weather can become inclement during the winter, which might cause you to question whether you should hold class. As an instructor at ISU, you are expected to hold classes unless the university has officially canceled them. The university will not cancel classes if it feels that most students, faculty, and staff can get to campus safely. Moreover, the majority of your English 150/250 students are living on campus or are using CyRide to travel, so the snow has little impact on their ability to attend class safely.

If you live outside of Ames, you should make arrangements with two or three colleagues who live in town and would be willing to sub for you for those times when you cannot safely travel to Ames. Any time you cancel class, other than for scheduled student conferences, you must notify

In the event of inclement weather, visit the Iowa State homepage for the latest updates on class cancellations. The university recognizes the importance of safety and encourages instructors to accommodate those who cannot make it to campus due to travel difficulties.