Occasionally students seek to appeal their grades. Students must appeal before the midterm following the term they took the course—Fall-term students, before midterm of Spring semester; Spring-term students, before midterm of Fall semester; Summer-term students, before midterm of Fall semester.
The procedure for a grade appeal is as follows:
- The student must communicate with you about the reasons for the grade, and you need to provide a mathematical breakdown of the students’ grade.
- If, after the communication, the student wishes to pursue a grade appeal, they must submit original papers of all major graded work and a letter stating their grounds for appeal to 229 Ross Hall.
- The Director will request from you, the student’s grades and attendance record. You will also be asked to provide grading policy, writing assignments, and any other relevant information. Missing materials will necessarily jeopardize the review.
- The Director will appoint a subcommittee of two faculty members to review the materials presented (assignments in grade appeals will be reviewed with the instructor’s and student’s name and student’s grade blocked out). Each committee member will read the assignments and determine a grade. The committee will confer to discuss the findings and report conclusions to the Director who will then assign a grade. If the issue is about how absences were counted, this is probably not appropriate for a grade appeal.
- Upon completion of the review, the Director will inform you and the student of the student’s grade. If the grade is higher than the one you gave, a Change-of-Grade form will be processed. If the grade is lower, the grade remains unchanged.