Plagiarism is an increasingly severe problem in ISUComm Foundation Courses. Students can now easily access student essays on the web and can purchase papers (of A, B, or C quality) on hundreds of topics. While curbing plagiarism should not be a major criterion when creating assignments, it is something to keep in mind. Steps that curb plagiarism include the following:
- Require students to use specific sources from a reader or text you use in your class.
- Require students to submit stages or parts of an assignment.
- Connect assignments (e.g., Assignment 1 might be a summary of an essay and Assignment 2 an analysis of the same essay).
- Do not permit students to change topics at the last minute.
- Require students to submit photocopies of the pages they have cited. This practice also allows you to check the accuracy of quotations and paraphrases.
Before you confront a student about plagiarism, discuss the situation with the Director or one of the Assistant Directors of ISUComm Foundation Courses. If the situation warrants further investigation, the Director of ISUComm Foundation Courses will set up a meeting with you and the student and will conduct the conference. If the Director of ISUComm Foundation Courses decides that the case is likely to be one of academic dishonesty, the director will submit the case to the Dean of Students. Counselors within the Dean of Students Office will meet with the student and determine whether academic dishonesty has occurred. For a first-time offense, the student is usually placed on academic probation for a period of time. Students who are struggling with study skills or time management may also be required to meet with a counselor in the Academic Success Center. Penalties are more severe after the first infraction, possibly leading to suspension. While the case is being determined by the Dean of Students Office, the student may continue in the course and a grade of N is submitted on AccessPlus. After a judgment is given by the Dean of Students Office, the instructor, with assistance from the ISUComm Foundation Courses Director, may decide upon the assignment grade and the course grade.